Category Archive : Business & Travel

If you love to play bowling, your bowling ball could be among the most treasured among your possessions. Therefore, it is but natural to bring it with you on your travels especially if on trips for a bowling tournament. But most of the time, the bowling ball is not among the best additions to your […]

The cycling culture has finally hit the mainstream in several urban areas in America, which the U.S. Census Bureau predicts will continue to spread nationwide. As most Americans carry on with different activities in urban areas, the need to safely distance by avoiding crowded transport systems, has created a vast market for e-bikes. Electric bicycles […]

The employees dress code can either be an essential factor to consider or may be quite confusing. Depending on the office and the industry, there will be enough difference between the business casual attire and the normal business attire. Moreover, when you tend to be a field employee or always on the road handling businesses […]

  A rare, unreleased WorkBoy attachment for the Nintendo GameBoy has surfaced after 28 decades. This extension adds, among other activities, a schedule, address, and calculator book to the handheld, that has become over 30 yrs of age. The WorkBoy was tracked down by video match historian Liam Robertson, who’d managed to monitor the inventor […]

As a result of the coronavirus, various governments are taking measures, such as an entry ban or restriction of freedom of movement. These measures also have an impact on business travel. In addition, the assistance on your business travel insurance is limited because emergency centers are now also unable to provide their usual services, partly […]

For many people, a business trip is necessary for their job or company. They work on location, attend a number of meetings, perhaps close some deals, stay at their hotel and quickly fly back home when their duties are done. For example, make a reservation at a good restaurant with good reviews, or plan a […]

Well, traveling outside the office is one good way to break the boredom in working. Obviously, business travel is actually fun and exciting. Yet, one challenging part of it is expensing things back to the company. Reimbursing back the travel expenses and anything related to it is crucial on your part and on the part […]

Real estate agents are licensed experts who stand in for sellers or buyers in real estate transactions. Reputable real estate agents, such as Borehamwood Sales & Lettings, have the expertise to effectively and competently handle all these real estate dealings which includes developing marketing plans for listings, keeping up with industry news and market activities […]

Gambling cheats are principles for men and women that are enthusiastic about attaining higher levels in strategic games. Besides, the majority of them wait to invest in buying resources with actual money.   Because of this, they choose gambling cheats to create unlimited resources for your matches at no cost. Developers usually include these matches’ […]

Working in an office doesn’t mean you have to stick yourself in front of the computer 24/7. Some employees have business-related tasks that necessitates them to go out of the office for quite some time. And doing so offers lots of opportunities such as attracting new connections that would profit the business. But, not all […]

Business travel is of enormous importance in today’s professional life. In order to guarantee a smooth and perfect process, you need a good organization and ideally a strong partner. This is the only way you can focus on the essential purpose of the trip, the business meeting. The main challenge lies in the preparation because […]

Small details in everyday business travel can help to improve your own ecological balance. On a business trip with sustainable business fashion Environmentally conscious behavior in everyday business travel begins with the choice of clothing. Sustainable fashion is produced in a socially responsible manner, consists largely of natural fibers and contains no chemical additives. How […]

Beating the crowds is a must nowadays. The pandemic has change the way people travel. But before you pack your luggage and decide to go for a trip during the holiday season you should think twice in travelling during this pandemic. If you need to cancel, then be it. It’s better to take precaution and […]
